The eternal, self-existent God, the God Who is three-in-one, He Who dwells in the center of your being, He is a powerful, valiant warrior. He has come to set you free, to keep you safe and to bring you victory.
He is cheered and He beams with exceeding joy and takes pleasure in your presence. He has engraved a place for Himself in you and there He quietly rests in His love and affection for you.
He cannot contain Himself at the thought of you, and with the greatest joy spins around wildly in anticipation over you. He has placed you above all other creations and in a high place in His priorities. In fact, He shouts and sings in triumph, joyfully pro- claiming the gladness of His heart in a song of rejoicing.
I love the outdoors; the woods, the moutains, the ocean, the animals that the Lord has created - well most of them anyway. I love my cat who comes running when I come home and jumps on the bed to talk to me for a few minutes.
I am totally depraved yet totally loved by God who graciously saved we while I was still His enemy.
I love to laugh, to play, to be with my friends.
I am sometimes bossy and often too opinionated.
I live far from home and am sometimes lonely.
I have been blessed by God to have those who care enough about me to not let me get away with too much.
I enjoy hearing rain on a tin roof.
I enjoy reading - mostly "mind candy," novels about relationships, especially in the south by Southern authors.
1 comment:
Can't help you, but wanted to welcome you back to blog land as well. Thanks for you comment on my blog.
Exciting to see you get back on the blogging saddle!
Love you!
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