"All Creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice and with us sing, "Aleluia, Aleluia!'"
God's Word tells us that all of creation praises Him, that even if we don't praise Him the rocks will cry out their praises to Him! Living in the Philippines I have opportunity to dive in some of the most beautiful reefs around. I have both snorkeled and scuba'd in several different areas here in the Philippines. I can tell you that it has made me appreciate our Creator more and more. What an awesome, wonderous, creative God He is! The amazing corals of almost every color there is; some areas looking like an artist came and spattered different colors as a montage with the myriad corals collecting in one place. The soft corals with one that looks like a large purple leaf swaying in the wind, the hard corals, some that look like green brains, some huge and some small scattered over the ocean floor. The little velvet green snail that has a green tree growing out of his back.
And then, there are the fishes - so many beautiful, beautiful fishes! Again every color of the rainbow and every shape you can imagine! There is the blue fish who has a 2 inch straw-like nose. The iridescent blue/green parrot fish that munches on hard corals like popcorn! I can't even begin to describe to you the so many different kinds and colors of fish - all I know is that they make me praise the Lord for his goodness to us to give us this beauty to wonder at. When I am snorkeling I sing along with the fish, singing His praises! I have given that up while scuba diving as it just uses up too much air, but in my mind I am praising Him. The Lord created an unbelievable word of beauty for us to revel in.
Unfortunately, we as stewards of this, God's creation, have destroyed much of this beauty; I have also dove in those areas that it looks like concrete rubble on the ocean floor, reefs that have been destroyed by dynamiting for fish, poisioned with cyanide and just trashed with our garbage. I recently was in a service where Richard Pratt was preaching and he was calling us to task regarding our stewardship of this earth, this earth that the Lord has given us to rule over and keep until that day when we shall have a new heaven and a new earth! I so look forward to that day - that day when the Lord will reign over all in the new earth - can you imagine what that will be like? That place where the lion will lay down with the lamb, the child shall put her hand in the hole of the cobra and it will not bite, where sin reigns no more in our bodies, but we live in perfect harmony and unity with the animals of the field, each other and the Awesome Creator of the universe!
Alelujah, Alelujah!!