Me & Dad
Monday, March 17, 2008
You know that ole saying, something about "no one loves me, everyone hates me, I guess I'll just go eat worms!!" Did I get it right? That's what I feel like right now - just going home and sitting around eating worms! It doesn't help that I am in the middle of a study of a book; Cat and Dog Theology which we sort of thought was going to be a little fluffy, but has been really convicting. It's main premise is that the Lord's first and foremost concern is His glory, not our comfort, blessings or ease. I must admit that I am very much a cat (the one who is most concerned with his own comfort, blessing and ease) and am not thrilled at the place the Lord has me right now in ministry! I was recently told that on a certain psychological test that I ranked high in my desire for people to like me. My reply was, what's wrong with that, I think everyone wants people to like them. Well, I was informed that I needed to be careful that I didn't make decisions based on how people would perceive me in all of it, but to make wise decisions that were based on truth. Since I have learned this about myself, the Lord has pretty much put me in a position where I am constantly having to make decisions that are not popular and I am certainly not liked a whole lot. In fact, I am pretty much the "bad guy" right now and I must tell you that it is not fun.
If I ever had thoughts that I wanted to be an administrator they are now totally out of my head! I want very much to go back to my little ministry corner and do my little thing and not even ever hear about the rest of it! In fact, I would pretty much like to go back to my little corner at home-home and sit on the deck and watch the blue birds and wait for the deer to come in and feed and see the squirrels running from tree to tree and thank the Lord for all His creation - except for the last one!
Well, now you know my heart at the moment, but know also that I know that I have a mighty God and He is able to get me through this time and make me closer to His image and give me even a closer relationship with Him - and I pray that through it all His glory will be shown in a great and might way. As I look around me I see the Lord working really hard things in many of the lives of His servants and I know He does have a plan in it all.
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I have had the same thoughts lately, the ones about eating worms that is. I have come to realize, that God works His will whether we like it or not. I have never thought of you as a people pleaser, never. I have always looked up to you as a very independent thinker. I love you just the way you are. Love, Lynn
Hang in there...growth is not easy. Sounds like God is really using this time in your life to do some refining. You will be in my prayers.
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