Well, I know it might LOOK like I am preaching, but really I am only giving a "congratulatory message" to a PCP church at their 12th anniversary Worhip Service. It was a very encouraging day for me because it is a church that has really grown in many ways during those 12 years! It has purchased a lot and built a building, it commissioned its first missionary couple to Mindoro the day I was there, It has a Reformed Teaching Institute going on for training both lay leadership and pastors every Saturday, has planted a couple of daughter churches and is self-supporting!! In fact, after hearing the history of the church before the message, I completely changed my congratulatory address to one telling them how much just hearing how the Lord has been working had encouraged my heart. Sometimes we do get bogged down in seeing what we label as "failure" which is often just the Lord's working in our hearts and others, that we wonder if there is any work going on for the Kingdom. Seeing the Lord's presence and work with this body reminded me how often I choose to believe the lies of Satan that it is all for naught! It really is true that the Lord will build His church and the gates of hell WILL NOT prevail against it!
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