One of my friends wrote and said they wanted to see a new blog post since my last one was on April 17th. Well, I haven't known what to write. I am going through a particularly hard time in ministry right now (sound familiar to anyone) and am afraid I will just spew if I get started. I am at a place where what seems very wrong to me seems right to others and where I see lack of integrity and spiritual wisdom they see as lack of cultural education on our part. There is an old saying, "while in Rome do as the Romans," (or something like that) but should that EVER take precedent over Biblical principles? When you question those actions you are told that you are insensitive to the culture. People are able to not use the Biblical formula for dealing with wrongs because it is not what their culture does. And these same people want more authority when they haven't been responsible with the jobs they have been given and we give it to them?
Another friend just recently emailed me after I had shared some things with her and she encouraged me with this scripture:
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them." Heb 6:10
I have printed it out and taped it to the back of my front door, right below my calligraphy frame that says, "Fret Not Thyself." As I leave my house, my refuge right now, I pray and thank the Lord for His goodness and His grace toward me, take a deep breath and go into the fray. Sounds kind of corney when I write it, doesn't it! But, that is how I feel. It seems that Satan is having a hey day right now with God's people in ministry - I guess that is always the way, we forget the battle sometimes, complacent in our comfortableness and trusting those around us when we know they are as depraved as we and there are bound to be hurts.

Me & Dad
Saturday, May 3, 2008
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We do get complacent don't we? Sorry that you are struggling...satan is enjoying himself I'm sure. Even though we know that God is sovereign, it is difficult to trust during these kinds of times. God can take it...the question is can we?
Love you, prayers from this side of the world where it is still May 2 for a little longer...
Hey, girl. Glad to see you post. Sorry about all the junk going on. I'll pray for you. I check your blog just about everyday to see if you've written....I wish I had some great words of wisdom...All I know is you are doing a great work for the Lord. Be faithful and true to Him. Love you much. B.
Hey, Thanks for posting. I also check it almost everyday for new content. You really encouraged me last week, and I wish to encourage you. I cannot really identify with the cultural barriers you go through, but Ken and I were just reminding ourselves this morning that life is a battle. Yes, God is sovereign, but that doesn't give us a right to be fatalistic. Sometimes we are to fight, and sometimes we are to rest. God will show you. I am praying for you. I love you with all my heart. Lynn
I was thinking that what hurts more is when we think we are right - we "see" right now what is also wrong. Out thinking is tempered by years of study and experience - our experience. Ye there are times, like right now that our experience is different than ever before - will we think differently after these experiences? Maybe this is some of what James 1:2-8 means.
Will we play a different tape in our minds after these experiences that will bring more comfort or we simply grow more and be able to trust what we cannot see and Him whom we cannot predict.
Praying for your growth and mine! Ken
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