Yesterday I went to my first photography class. I have been interested in photography for a long time, taking lots of pictures, but they have all been done on "auto!" Above is one of my first pictures taken with me actually in control of the camera. I was in my "artsy-fartsy" mode! My instructor liked it, his critque was that the left side of it was too bright - said I needed another aperature opening. Maybe by the time this course is over I will know what that means! I have a digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera with many buttons that I have just ignored up until now. After learning the basics I am hoping to get lots of tips on taking wildlife pictures which are definitely my favorite. Anybody want to go on safari??
Love the picture! I want to take photography lessons one day, too. Maybe when you come home you can show me a few things...I have no idea what all the settings on my camera mean! I still haven't figured out the double-space thing. Ugh. B.
Put your pics on the blog every day so we can see the growth and you will post more often.
How goes the ministry? I will try to keep skype on more - I tried to call you a number of times but it just rings.
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